Monday, December 14, 2009

Perfect Recipe for the Holiday's: Event Planning Mixed with Social Media

This past Thursday, I was invited to speak on behalf of The RK Group at a social media gathering for Business, Media and Public Relations abbreviated as #bmpr.

The invitation was extended due to:
our presence on Twitter and Facebook,
our followers and fans,
and RK employees who support The RK Group through Social Media.

Other speakers at #bmpr included Tanji Patton (@tanjipatton) a former news anchor with a website and business devoted to her love of French cuisine, SeaWorld GM Dan Decker (@danjdecker) with a live owl and wallabee who fascinated the audience with their beauty (photos by MatthewEgan) and SavorSA (@SavorSA) who provides restaurant reviews throughout the city of San Antonio.

Donna Tuttle’s introduction of The RK Group included praise of our events and tweets with pictures of delicious food that leave her craving more!
Our presentation provided an insight into the RK Group that some members of the audience were unaware of such as our partnership with FEMA subcontractors to assist when a south-eastern natural disaster strikes, our involvement at the Alamodome, Convention Center, USAA, Valero Energy and many charities throughout the city.

We also provided some tips and shortcuts to save money on business and personal holiday parties. Some examples were choose a venue with existing décor or cut down on bar costs with custom signature drinks such as: Dan Decker Daiquiris, Donna Tuttle-tini’s or #BMPR bellinis

While it was tough following the live animal presentation, guests did enjoy our send off gift (via @NTJ) and the chance to win a free office lunch.

Our free lunch winner is: @bkearney (for being the first to Re-Tweet) and @derrich. Congratulations!

Thank you to all who entered our lunch contest, if you’re still hungry remember that RosemaryDelivers!

We are looking forward to next year's #bmpr events and more social media involvement!

~Rachel Kellar~


  1. Darn - I really wanted to win. Oh Well, just have to buy my office a lunch party for the holidays. Congrats to Bernice and Derrich, my twitter buddies.

  2. Jealous but congrats to both @derrich and @bkearney on the win! :D
