Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Turkey and Chestnuts and Yule Logs, OH MY!

“One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating.”
– Luciano Pavarotti and William Wright, from Pavarotti, My Own Story

With the holidays approaching, Pavarotti’s pleasure will be a more frequent reality for people across the globe. In every country people of varying ethnicity will stop for just a little while to enjoy the different holidays they celebrate. Families and friends come together, passed loved ones are remembered, and employers share the wealth and good cheer with their teams. Holiday parties abound! And of course, every good party has to have… Great Food!

With so much focus on family and where we come from, the holidays are a great time to give homage to one of our favorite food themes - Go local, but go global. It such a lovely contradiction when you think about it…